My first year being Your Local Podiatrist.
Toenail Reconstruction
Thick Nails; Onychauxis
Winter Feet; Chilblains
What type of appointment do I need?
SWIFT – a patient experience
What a difference Hot Paraffin Wax can make
We get many patients saying to us “I just can’t believe the difference you have…
New Website Live
We have been working behind the scenes on our new website with our online marketing…
‘Thought’ Sustainable Sock
Our latest product in clinic that we want to blog about is the ‘Thought Sustainable…
A new foot in the door
Officially becoming a new graduate Podiatrist straight out of university can be daunting just as…
‘You Paint Nails?’ – Cosmetic Podiatry – What is it all about?
If someone would have told me 13 years ago, when I graduated from University with…
Orthotic Intervention – From the side line to the headlines
In January 2018 former professional Rugby League Referee and now amateur Rugby League player, Sam…
Plantar Heel Pain
Plantar Fasciitis Often referred to as Plantar Fasciitis, this diagnosis is the most common cause of heel…
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The latest news, updates and tips from the team at Your Local Podiatrist. If there is anything you would like to see, let us know.